Exquisite Acclaim claimed the yard’s 42nd winner of the calendar year winning the View Restaurant Dundalk Apprentice Handicap in Dundalk on Friday night under a fantastic ride by Adam Caffrey.
Perfect ride, sat box-seat and he was there plenty soon enough but he kind of had to make his mind up for him. The horse ground it out well.
He’s very well handicapped on previous form so hopefully that will give him a bit of confidence now. The plan will be to crack on with the winter campaign with him. He has had good form here in the past.
We bought him 18 months ago and things haven’t quite worked out the way we had hoped when we originally purchased him. The owners have been very, very patient so I want to thank them for sticking with the horse and I’m glad he has rewarded them now and hopefully there will be another pot or two in the horse before the winter is out.”